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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Missing Xenia Ohio Mom Found

Director David Lynch begins the movie Blue Velvet with the image of a man mowing a beautifully manicured lawn. The camera pans downward past the grass, through the roots until we reach hordes of assorted insects crawling around underground. The visual reminds us that no matter how beautiful something may look on the exterior, there can be something troubling within.

The missing Xenia mother called her family from Miami Beach, Florida. She is with the guy that was the " person of interest." As more information was leaked to the press, it was increasingly apparent that these two people were involved in an affair. There were reports of the couple having been observed together at a convenience store several times in the month prior to her disappearance. People exclaimed, " a mother wouldn't leave her 1 year old baby." Anyone who has spent any time on social networking sites knows that it happens more frequently than people might imagine. I personally know 3 people who left their spouse and children to be with their online loves. And FYI, in most instances the spouse is the last one to suspect anything.

The woman was described as a caring wife and mother, raised in a religious family and deeply involved in the church. Her employer described her as a good worker, one liked by clients, many of whom were calling with their concern. "Why do bad things happen to good people" he was quoted as asking a local reporter who was covering the story.

Is this a case of a woman who had a religious upbringing breaking free of it's confines? Is this the classic "good girl falling for the bad boy" story? I don't know, but it is sad that so much of law enforcement and volunteers time and resources was given to this story. Such is the world we live in, one ruled by reality TV and the need for society to stick our noses in places that they do not belong.

The story went national earlier this week with segments on the morning shows of major television networks devoted to it. The Xenia police department is holding a press conference this morning. I hope that they tell us that the FBI was not really involved, that they were just trying to leverage the woman into notifying the authorities or her family. There are people and children that rightfully need our help. This was a personal matter and not deserving of the mass attention that it generated. Peace to all...John : )


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