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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Send In the Clown...With Ice Cream

" Yes I'm a clown but I don't wanna be, why can't you see the other side of me?" Lyrics from Everybody Loves A Clown by Gary Lewis and the Playboys.

" We women love men with a sense of humor" she told me. Pffffttttt...I've heard it a million times and I always think the same thing. " I've never seen Bozo the Clown on the cover of People Magazine walking the red carpet with his hot date!" In fact Bozo spends his days hanging out with 4-10 year old children. Hmmmm...How did he fly under To Catch A Predator's radar?

Oh I've no doubt that women enjoy humor, it's just that on the "Female List of Male Priorities" it can be found around number 14, under things like "cleans his fingernails, has no substance abuse problems, and has a steady income. Women can find wit on their Iphones. Technology has dealt a romantic death knell to we humorously, amorous men.

Depressing? Heck yes it is! But I deal with it like a 20 year old college female does after a break up with her boyfriend. I indulge in ice cream. It is the epitome of comfort food, a perpetually satisfying treat. I find myself lusting at the choices with each visit to the Walmart freezer.

 Ice cream has so many advantages over women. Such as if you're terrible saying sweet words it does not matter, ice cream melts no matter what you say. And it never says " don't get any in my hair" when you're pouring chocolate syrup on it. It never takes issue with the lipstick on your collar from Sheila in accounting. The stress is missing from a relationship with ice cream. Ice cream always pleases.

Well my pizza is here, until the next blog...Peace to all...John : )

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